1. Basics of Data Structures
- Data Structure: Way to organize, manage, and store data.
- Types:
- Linear: Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue.
- Non-Linear: Tree, Graph, Hash Table.
2. Array
- Fixed-size collection of elements, stored in contiguous memory.
- Key Operations: Access (O(1)), Search (O(n)), Insert/Delete (O(n)).
- Applications: Searching, sorting.
3. Linked List
- Collection of nodes connected via pointers.
- Types:
- Singly Linked List: Forward navigation.
- Doubly Linked List: Forward and backward navigation.
- Circular Linked List: Last node points to the first.
- Applications: Dynamic memory allocation, implementation of stacks/queues.
4. Stack
- LIFO (Last In, First Out) data structure.
- Operations:
- Push: Add element.
- Pop: Remove element.
- Peek/Top: View top element.
- Applications: Expression evaluation, backtracking.
5. Queue
- FIFO (First In, First Out) data structure.
- Types:
- Simple Queue: Linear order.
- Circular Queue: Reuse memory.
- Priority Queue: Elements served based on priority.
- Applications: Scheduling, buffering.
6. Hashing
- Maps keys to values for quick access (O(1)).
- Collision Handling:
- Chaining (linked list).
- Open Addressing (linear/quadratic probing).
- Applications: Database indexing, caching.
7. Trees
- Hierarchical data structure with root and nodes.
- Binary Tree: Max 2 children per node.
- Binary Search Tree (BST): Left < Root < Right.
- AVL Tree: Self-balancing BST.
- Heap:
- Min-Heap: Parent <= Child.
- Max-Heap: Parent >= Child.
- Applications: Searching, expression parsing.
8. Graphs
- Set of vertices (nodes) and edges.
- Representations:
- Adjacency Matrix.
- Adjacency List.
- Traversals:
- BFS (Breadth-First Search): Level-wise.
- DFS (Depth-First Search): Depth-wise.
- Applications: Networking, shortest path algorithms.
9. Searching Algorithms
- Linear Search: O(n).
- Binary Search: O(log n) (Array must be sorted).
10. Sorting Algorithms
- Bubble Sort: Compare adjacent elements (O(n²)).
- Selection Sort: Select smallest element (O(n²)).
- Insertion Sort: Insert element in sorted subarray (O(n²)).
- Merge Sort: Divide-and-conquer (O(n log n)).
- Quick Sort: Partitioning (O(n log n) on average).
- Heap Sort: Based on heap structure (O(n log n)).
11. Divide and Conquer
- Break problem into smaller sub-problems, solve recursively.
- Examples: Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Binary Search.
12. Dynamic Programming
- Solve complex problems by breaking them into overlapping sub-problems.
- Examples:
- Knapsack Problem.
- Longest Common Subsequence.
- Fibonacci Sequence.
13. Greedy Algorithms
- Make locally optimal choices to find the global solution.
- Examples:
- Prim’s Algorithm (MST).
- Kruskal’s Algorithm (MST).
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm (Shortest Path).
14. Backtracking
- Explore all solutions by building a solution incrementally.
- Examples:
- N-Queens Problem.
- Sudoku Solver.
15. Important Algorithms
- KMP Algorithm: Pattern matching.
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm: Shortest path (handles negative weights).
- Floyd-Warshall Algorithm: All-pairs shortest path.
- A Algorithm*: Pathfinding.
- Disjoint Set (Union-Find): Detect cycles in graphs.
16. Complexity Analysis
- Big O Notation:
- O(1): Constant.
- O(log n): Logarithmic.
- O(n): Linear.
- O(n²): Quadratic.
- O(2ⁿ): Exponential.
Q1. Which of the following is the correct time complexity for accessing an element in an array by index?
a) O(n)
b) O(log n)
c) O(1)
d) O(n²)
Q2. In a sorted array, which searching algorithm is more efficient?
a) Linear Search
b) Binary Search
c) Hashing
d) Depth First Search
Q3. What is the minimum time complexity of sorting an array?
a) O(log n)
b) O(n log n)
c) O(n²)
d) O(n³)
Q4. What is the time complexity of inserting a node at the beginning of a singly linked list?
a) O(1)
b) O(n)
c) O(log n)
d) O(n²)
Q5. Which of the following data structures is more suitable for implementing a stack?
a) Array
b) Linked List
c) Queue
d) Graph
Q6. How many pointers are needed to represent a node in a doubly linked list?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Q7. Which data structure works on the principle of LIFO?
a) Queue
b) Stack
c) Tree
d) Graph
Q8. Which of the following applications can be implemented using a stack?
a) Expression evaluation
b) Breadth-first search
c) Priority Queue
d) None of the above
Q9. What is the postfix expression of (A + B) * (C - D)
a) AB + CD - *
b) AB + * CD -
c) A + B * C - D
d) A B C D - + *
Q10. A queue follows which principle?
c) Random Order
d) Priority Order
Q11. What is the time complexity for enqueuing or dequeuing in a simple queue?
a) O(1)
b) O(log n)
c) O(n)
d) O(n²)
Q12. Which data structure is used to implement a circular queue?
a) Array
b) Linked List
c) Both
d) None
Q13. In a binary search tree, which traversal outputs data in sorted order?
a) Preorder
b) Inorder
c) Postorder
d) Level order
Q14. What is the height of a full binary tree with n nodes?
a) log₂(n+1)
b) log₂(n)
c) 2n
d) n
Q15. In a max-heap, the parent node is:
a) Smaller than its child nodes
b) Greater than or equal to its child nodes
c) Equal to its left child only
d) None of the above
Q16. What is the time complexity of Breadth-First Search (BFS) for a graph with V vertices and E edges?
a) O(V + E)
b) O(V²)
c) O(E log V)
d) O(V³)
Q17. Which graph representation uses adjacency lists?
a) Linked List
b) Array
c) Queue
d) Stack
Q18. Prim’s algorithm is used to find:
a) Shortest path
b) Minimum spanning tree
c) Maximum flow
d) Topological sorting
Q19. Which of the following sorting algorithms has the best average-case time complexity?
a) Bubble Sort
b) Quick Sort
c) Merge Sort
d) Insertion Sort
Q20. Linear search is best suited for:
a) Large unsorted lists
b) Small unsorted lists
c) Sorted lists only
d) None of the above
Q21. Which method is used to handle hash collisions?
a) Chaining
b) Open Addressing
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
Q22. What is the load factor in a hash table?
a) Total size of hash table.
b) Number of elements divided by table size.
c) Number of collisions.
d) None of the above.
Q23. The time complexity of Binary Search is:
a) O(1)
b) O(log n)
c) O(n)
d) O(n²)
Q24. Which algorithm has the worst-case time complexity of O(n²)?
a) Bubble Sort
b) Quick Sort
c) Merge Sort
d) Heap Sort
Q25. Which problem is solved using dynamic programming?
a) Longest Common Subsequence
b) N-Queens Problem
c) Dijkstra’s Algorithm
d) Depth-First Search
Q26. Which property is required for dynamic programming?
a) Greedy choice
b) Optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems
c) Divide and Conquer
d) Backtracking
Q27. Which of the following is NOT an application of backtracking?
a) Sudoku Solver
b) N-Queens Problem
c) Minimum Spanning Tree
d) Crossword Puzzle
Q28. Dijkstra’s algorithm does NOT work with:
a) Positive edge weights
b) Negative edge weights
c) Directed graphs
d) Undirected graphs