Simplex, Half-Duplex, and Full-Duplex Communication

1. Communication Modes

Communication modes define how data flows between two devices in a network or communication system.

2. Types of Communication

A. Simplex

  • Definition: Data flows in one direction only.
  • Example: A one-way street where cars only go in one direction.
  • Key Features:
    • Sender → Receiver.
    • Receiver cannot send back any data.
  • Use Cases:
    • Television Broadcasts: TV station sends signals; viewers only receive.
    • Radio Broadcasting.

B. Half-Duplex

  • Definition: Data flows in both directions, but only one at a time.
  • Example: A walkie-talkie where you “push-to-talk.”
  • Key Features:
    • Sender ↔ Receiver, but only one side communicates at a time.
    • Requires a protocol to manage turns.
  • Use Cases:
    • Walkie-Talkies: One user speaks while the other listens.
    • Shared Media Networks: Legacy Ethernet systems.

C. Full-Duplex

  • Definition: Data flows in both directions at the same time.
  • Example: A phone call where both parties can talk and listen simultaneously.
  • Key Features:
    • Sender ↔ Receiver communicate simultaneously.
    • Faster and more efficient than half-duplex.
  • Use Cases:
    • Mobile Phones: Speak and hear in real time.
    • Modern Ethernet Networks.

3. Key Comparisons

Data FlowOne DirectionBoth Directions (One at a Time)Both Directions (Simultaneously)
CommunicationOne-Way OnlyTwo-Way (Alternating)Two-Way (Concurrent)
ExamplesTV, RadioWalkie-TalkiesPhone Calls, Ethernet

4. Quick Recap

  1. Simplex: One-way only (e.g., TV).
  2. Half-Duplex: Two-way, but one at a time (e.g., Walkie-Talkies).
  3. Full-Duplex: Two-way, simultaneously (e.g., Phones).


1. What is Simplex Communication?

  • A) A two-way communication system.
  • B) Communication that occurs in one direction only.
  • C) Data flow in alternate directions but one at a time.
  • D) None of the above.
    Answer: B

2. An example of Simplex communication is:

  • A) Telephone call.
  • B) Television broadcast.
  • C) Walkie-talkie.
  • D) Email communication.
    Answer: B

3. Which type of communication allows data to flow in both directions, but only one direction at a time?

  • A) Simplex.
  • B) Half-duplex.
  • C) Full-duplex.
  • D) None of the above.
    Answer: B

4. Walkie-talkies operate in which mode of communication?

  • A) Simplex.
  • B) Half-duplex.
  • C) Full-duplex.
  • D) All of the above.
    Answer: B

5. Which communication mode allows simultaneous data flow in both directions?

  • A) Simplex.
  • B) Half-duplex.
  • C) Full-duplex.
  • D) None of the above.
    Answer: C

6. Which of the following is an example of Full-duplex communication?

  • A) Television broadcasting.
  • B) Chat applications.
  • C) Walkie-talkies.
  • D) Public address system.
    Answer: B

7. The primary distinction between Simplex and Half-duplex modes is:

  • A) Simplex allows bidirectional communication; Half-duplex does not.
  • B) Half-duplex allows bidirectional communication but not simultaneously; Simplex is unidirectional.
  • C) Both allow simultaneous bidirectional communication.
  • D) None of the above.
    Answer: B

8. A telephone call is an example of which communication mode?

  • A) Simplex.
  • B) Half-duplex.
  • C) Full-duplex.
  • D) Multiplex.
    Answer: C

9. In which communication mode is the entire bandwidth dedicated to a single direction at a time?

  • A) Simplex.
  • B) Half-duplex.
  • C) Full-duplex.
  • D) None of the above.
    Answer: B

10. Which of these statements about Full-duplex communication is true?

  • A) Data flows only in one direction.
  • B) Data can flow in both directions but not at the same time.
  • C) Data can flow in both directions simultaneously.
  • D) None of the above.
    Answer: C