Mobile App Development

Android Development

  1. What is an activity in Android?
    A. Activity performs actions on the screen
    B. Manages application content
    C. Controls screen UI
    D. None of the above
    Answer: A
  2. What is the lifecycle of a service in Android?
    A. onCreate()onStartCommand()onDestroy()
    B. onReceive()
    C. Same as activity lifecycle
    D. None of the above
    Answer: A
  3. What is the purpose of AsyncTask in Android?
    A. Runs in the foreground
    B. Handles background tasks and updates the UI thread
    C. Controls the AndroidManifest.xml
    D. None of the above
    Answer: B
  4. Which Android permission is required to access the location?
    A. GPRS
    C. Internet
    D. WiFi
    Answer: B
  5. What is the purpose of a sandbox in Android?
    A. A feature to debug apps
    B. Ensures apps run securely without interfering with others
    C. Handles memory management
    D. None of the above
    Answer: B
  6. Which UI framework is used in Android?
    A. UIKit
    B. AppKit
    C. Android SDK
    D. None of the above
    Answer: C

iOS Development

  1. What is the JSON framework supported by iOS?
    A. UIKit
    B. SBJson
    C. JSONKit
    D. CoreJSON
    Answer: B
  2. What does ARC stand for in iOS development?
    A. Auto Reference Check
    B. Automatic Reference Counting
    C. Adaptive Reference Code
    D. App Reference Compiler
    Answer: B
  3. Which is the default property type in iOS?
    A. Atomic
    B. Non-atomic
    C. Strong
    D. Weak
    Answer: A
  4. What is the purpose of a bundle ID in iOS?
    A. Identifies the app uniquely within a development team
    B. Helps in debugging
    C. Specifies app configuration
    D. None of the above
    Answer: A
  5. Which framework is not part of iOS?
    A. UIKit
    B. Core Motion
    C. AppKit
    D. Foundation
    Answer: C

General Mobile Development

  1. Which of the following is the primary language used for Android development?
    A. Swift
    B. Java
    C. Kotlin
    D. Both B and C
    Answer: D
  2. What is a hybrid app?
    A. App developed with a single codebase for multiple platforms
    B. App designed only for Android
    C. An iOS-exclusive application
    D. None of the above
    Answer: A
  3. Which mobile app framework uses Dart programming?
    A. React Native
    B. Flutter
    C. Xamarin
    D. Angular
    Answer: B
  4. Which tool is used to debug Android applications?
    A. Logcat
    B. Crashlytics
    C. Firebase
    D. All of the above
    Answer: D
  5. What is the advantage of native apps over web apps?
    A. Faster performance
    B. Access to device features like camera and GPS
    C. Better offline capabilities
    D. All of the above
    Answer: D